Our Story

Welcome to Source Naturelle!

My name is Nina and I live in Austria.

During my first pregnancy I wanted to eat healthier and started to buy more organic food. As all mothers, I wanted only the best for my child.

When I had a skin reaction to a baby oil of a popular brand, I made some research and realised that biggest part of the baby care products contains potentially harmful chemical ingredients. Being a medical doctor myself I know that cosmetics that we use act not only on the skin but also penetrate it. So I decided to look for organic cosmetics for my child. Then slowly I changed all the care products. My family and friends asked my recommendations for natural cosmetics, and I had this idea of a small bio cosmetics internet shop for the close circle. 

I chose small local Austrian and German brands and only certified organic cosmetics with 100% natural ingredients. I try every product myself before adding it to the internet shop and can sincerely recommend it.

I hope you will enjoy being a part of the circle! 💚

Source Naturelle – your source of natural beauty!